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Guardian Team of the Galaxy on the Stage!

by Metania Games Team | 1 January 2023

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An NFT is a digital asset that can come in the form of art, music, in-game items, videos, and more. They are bought and sold online, frequently with cryptocurrency, and they are generally encoded with the same underlying software as many cryptos.

Our NFT Collection’s story, it is an unparalleled collection of 6 of our characters and crafted with 75+ additional pieces. It is prepared for our game that can be played on the website.

Our collection consists of 5555 pieces. In our story, which will be published on Binance Smart Chain NFT, adventures take place around our main character Vega and his brothers Capella, Rigel, Castor, Mirach, Alphard. In this adventure, the brothers will acts shoulder to shoulder against the challenges that come their way. During this adventure, they will encounter some obstacles and they will have to complete the missions to overcome these obstacles. In the preparation phase of our collection for war, Vega there our army by equipping our warriors with armor, helmets and other wartools. As this adventure continue, the stories will be constantly updated and take their place on the history pages. Our game will also be published in accordance with this story.

As part of our NFT marketing efforts, we do some great collaborations and marketing and will keep our community alive by attending seminars and festivals on a regular basis.

When did art begin?

Art started with the works drawn on the walls long before Christ!

Art Beginning

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Art first manifested itself in Europe with the emergence of humans in the High Paleolithic Age (40,000-10,000 BC). The motifs and small statues in cave paintings dating from this period were presumed to have been inspired by the animal realm and were used as a sorcerer to assist with the sample hunt.

Reaches The Summit

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Da Vinci originally used a pyramid design for the painting, it would simply consist of a female pyramid. The folded hands of the woman in the painting were the corner of the pyramid. His chest, neck and face are much brighter than his hands. The light shows that the geometric drawing actually lies at the bottom of the drawing. In fact, da Vinci painted a normal woman sitting in the painting: but a seated woman was not common at that time. The table shows the distance between the sitting woman and the observer. The armrests are the boundary separating the observer and the sitting woman.


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NFT is created by uploading a file, such as an artwork, to an NFT auction marketplace such as KnownOrigin, Rarible or OpenSea. This creates a copy of the file saved in the digital ledger as an NFT that can be bought and resold with cryptocurrency

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Art first manifested itself in Europe with the emergence of humans in the High Paleolithic Age (40,000-10,000 BC). The motifs and small statues in cave paintings dating from this period were presumed to have been inspired by the animal realm and were used as a sorcerer to assist with the sample hunt.

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